Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Interview with Vola Trecase

Today, Weapon Mods sits down with Vola Trecase, a character actor who received critical acclaim after her most recent role in a Dungeons & Dragons Campaign. After two cancelled interviews, WM finally catches up with her at Festrif's, a local kobald haunt in Devils' Bay. Not where WM expected to meet with Trecase, but we were soon to find out, "expected" isn't the word to use in an interview with a woman who speaks fluent Draconic.

WM: You've enjoyed a cult following-

VT: [interupts] Endured.

WM: Is the convention circuit proving to be less than-

VT: [laughs] Conventions! Dreadful, no, you wouldn't see me there. I went to one a long time ago, when that Ghrade character was all the rage. He's a good example as to what can happen to you, if you're nayoon.

WM: "In love with yourself."

VT: Loosely.

WM: Elvish. And we're guessing Draconic. Are there any other languages you're fluent in?

VT: I think everyone in Largo Largo speaks a little Goblin, and I could order lunch in Etva. [meaning she knows some Supernal.]

[The interview is put on pause while Vola orders lunch. Mods declines, but Vola sees through our polite denial, to the real problem: Mods is not fluent in Draconian. She orders for us and shares a laugh with the kobald waitress.]

VT: It wouldn't do at all for a human not to order here, they'd think you were a gaskoni, and it's hard to say what would happen with my food.

WM: What did you order?

VT: This is Festrif's, I ordered their fish stew.

WM: Largo Largo. We thought you would have rather talked with us there, the city being so close to your home. What made you choose Devils' Bay?

VT: Don't you love it here? So much going on, ships coming in, going out, who can say where? It's fun to imagine where they're off to. And you can forget how old you are when you sit by the sea for a little while. I lived here for a long time before I moved outside Largo Largo. GD and I would go out fishing with the kobolds on the weekends, that's how I came to be able to order here! [laughs] That seems like ages ago, and I guess it was.

[Vola seems to slip into a reverie, looking at the bustling dock through the window. Then abruptly snaps back to the present and spins our notes around on the table to face her, tut-tutting.]

VT: I thought as much! It's G-e-e-D-e-e, not "GD". I'm sorry, that's always irked me!

WM: GeeDee Barne. There's a man wrapped in mystery. We couldn't even find census records for him in Banda Cate, so either he was born before the census was initiated, or he's not from P'allencha, originally.

[Before Vola can answer, the kobald waitress serves us two bowls of the fish stew, with two seashells the size of WM's palm perched in the thick broth. Vola graciously demonstrates using the shell as a spoon, saving WM some embarrassment.]

VT: Faska, Banda Cate still has records? We heard that everything was destroyed, the library, I mean.

WM: The census records are still intact, along with the tariff logs. [WM suggested that there may have been information regarding GeeDee in the older Paladin contracts, but we were not permitted to see those.]

VT: Figures. I'm sure Seti. To'Baj wants to make sure...well, never mind all that. I've only been to 'Cate a few times. A city built around the tenants of Erathis is just doomed to not be interesting.

WM: Some say there was a time when you were involved with Largo Largo's Nacht, Bastian Dorian. Any truth to that?

VT: [manages not to choke on her stew] Bastian! And I suppose I spawned that bastard Conner, too, eh? [cackling] You're going to have to do some better research, kinne!

WM: Perhaps, but are you denying that there wasn't something between the two of you?

VT: Not denying, no. It's just so silly, Bastian's old enough to be my grandfather. He is a close friend to GeeDee and I, and we love him very much.

WM: The word in Devils' Bay is that The Vanni's* Nacht has fallen quite ill. Do you know anything more specific?

VT: I wish I did, the last I inquired, Seti. Conner Dorian said his father was resting, and couldn't take visitors.

WM: There is some specula-

VT: [sharply] You'll check your tongue. I would know if anything...dire...had happened to Bastian Dorian. [sighs] Please, I thought we were talking about me.

WM: Some people we've talked with think you're a bedtime story.

VT: Bedtime story?

WM: [embarressed] Yes...'Get to bed before Vola comes!'

VT: Oh! That's terrible, people say that? Have I been holed up that long? What else do they tell the little kinnes? 'Wash up, or Vola will nibble their ears'? Wait 'till GeeDee hears this! Well. Faska, this has been lovely, but I'm afraid I'll have to be leaving if I want to make it home anytime soon!

WM: There won't be any caravans going up the Hurry untill tomorrow!

VT: The Hurry! Really. Thank you for lunch! nes'lij gyd Ba'lat!

With that Vola Tracase rose out of her seat, waved an informal 'goodbye' to the kobold bartender and disappered out the door, a cold blast of air and saltwater pushed through as the door closed behind her. WM was left feeling unprepared for the interview, but is consoled with 'how does one prepare for a woman like Vola?' The next twenty minutes or so was spent trying to pay the tab without insulting a kobold, meaning any pursuit of Vola was out of the question. Too bad WM couldn't tell if the waitress was smiling or...hungry.

*The Vanni is the ruling Theives' Guild in Largo Largo.


  1. dang, should have looked around devil's bay more. coulda ordered in draconic and had a hot meal instead of that bread. if only i had spent the first night in a more hospitable environment. no regrets.

  2. I like Vola. I think she gets a bad rap due to her entanglements with GeeDee.
