Sunday, January 24, 2010

Project: Window 44-P:E


I suppose with any study there will exist some X Factor, some radical variant that is free from the bounds of hypothesis. Subject Ralph is certainly proving to be our free radical in the Everett Group.
One would think that, if a person felt they were aware of what was happening to them, they might keep it to themselves in order to lull their oppressor into believing that that person was...docile.
Not so with subject Ralph. He knows, or suspects that he is subjected to memory suppression, which of course, he is. What is odd about this is that he detected the operations almost immediately, whereas all other subjects at Everett, all 57 of them, haven't batted an eye, to use an old saying. What is more, subject Ralph posts these thoughts of his into the input. Is this an act of defiance? Is this...nihilism?
Whatever it is, it's creating a lot of headaches here at VChicago. Next week will be the third time I go to the board to stay the hand that wants subject Ralph destroyed. The argument is that the candidate is corrupted and inserting another subject into 32 now will prove financially beneficial in the long run. I.E., the Developers are trying to cut their losses while they can. I guess we all answer to someone.
I wish there were some way to contact Ralph, but the Controllers would never go for it. Not this early, in any case. I do have to deal with the fact that it may be far more decent to let the subject be destroyed. What the others will undergo will be inhumane at best...but those are bridges crossed long ago. What we, as Humans, do now, is for our collective survival. Well, that's the rhetoric, anyways. Whether what we do here will amount to a whole hill of beans only history will tell. This movement has completely polarized the United Peoples to the point you'd think we weren't at war with the tripes. As a matter of fact, it's frowned upon to say "tripe" on the relay now for fear of alienating-alienating somebody and their kids. Sometimes I can't believe I was with the party that pushed for some type of democracy. Now it's, "all hail the triped." Goddamn tripes.
This is the third time I'm going to bat for you, Ralph. They'll probably ship me to DFargo after this and you'll never even know my name. Well, it's Fenrik Dobson, hugs and kisses.

[Historical Archive:: O/Dobson Gift 7 cat 1477756]

[Historical Record:: Project Window 44-P:E was used in the injunction against Monitor Fenrik Dobson]

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