Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Most of the time Subject: V, or The Captain, found it hard to explain himself. Once, he got a glimpse of his record and the word "inscrutable" appeared twice. He had laughed at that at the time, but now he felt dangerously close to letting the word define him.
Right now, he thinks the reason Subject: J had moved against him was because he hadn't explained himself as well as he thought he had. He fears losing Zombie, too.

Now, according to Zombie, or Subject: R,  J is dead. Killed by some Everett sent to hunt them all down. Captain turns the card Zombie had given him over in his hand:

Pedaf Truman



At first, Captain thought it was some sinister calling card the hunter toted around with him, the quizzical look he had given Zombie expressed much the same before it was explained to him. The words on this card reminded "Pedaf Truman" who Pedaf Truman was, and Zombie had taken it from him. The last thing Zombie had said before he left the Wha Jasia Fragment was that he didn't kill Pedaf.

Captain doesn't know exactly what to do with this information. His first inclination is to terminate the Everett himself. What stays his hand is the thought that, despite him being from Sebastian Group, and Pedaf being from Everett Group, they were much the same. Maybe he should reach out to this person, undoubtedly lost now, confused. Pedaf may not even know of his ability to shift. Even if Captain did try to help, to what end? There was no way to administer memory suppression, and no way to contact Dr. Entroop for another device.

Captain reaches up and touches the small nodes stemming from his ears, a continuous loop of sound that kept him grounded, that didn't let him forget who he was, eliminated the need for the suppression. Without it, Captain would be walking in dangerous territory, and the same can be said for the Everett, Pedaf.

Maybe he should just get over his notion of trying to save everyone and let this one go.

He had wanted to save J, and look where it got him.

Captain sighs and grinds his eye with the the ball of his hand. It had been J's idea to escape Sebastian Dock, V had only facilitated, contacted Entroop. The rest had just fallen into place.

Entroop had suggested they choose two more subjects from the group, it would be easier to fight off the ensuing madness that way, until they could establish themselves in the time fragment the doctor had designated. J had chosen R, V picked D.

But to escape hadn't been enough for V, he wanted something more. He wanted to take back a little bit of what had been taken from him, so he turned his attention to the Wha Jasia Fragment. So named for a fantasy land V had read about as a child, just some make-believe place, except he was going to make it real.

Captain looks at his wrist, the stark V emblazoned there should be reminder enough, but it's not.

So, V learned to go to the void in between the time fragments, learn to maneuver in the dark. That's when the idea of a haven came to him, that's when he realized he'd need help. He needed to give that place a foundation, if people were going to flock to the Wha Jasian flag, then it needed something to be staked in.
He knew he couldn't do it himself, and feared the other three would think he'd gone crazy; he already suspected that they met in secret, without him.

That's when he found S.E.A.B.O.L.T., or should say, it found him.

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