Sunday, February 11, 2018

Tonight I asked Adver to bring me a pizza. His exact response was: I don't think I have the supplies to make that trip...not with the dead zone, and all those mutant bears in the way. Much less with a Pizza.

Which is just as well. If Adver had agreed to bring me a pizza I would have just assumed he was really coming to kill me. But now I'm thinking Would he have let me eat the pizza first? I'm thinking he would.

I'm also thinking about the mutant bears. In my mind their coat has a purple sheen to it, in the moonlight. Or maybe that's just how they look in the dead zone. Maybe it just looks like perpetual night in the dead zone? No, I wouldn't think so. I think the dead zone has a dirt road and it just feels real still and gray, like it is before a storm. Maybe it's a place out of time? I'm not sure a place like that needs to exist for our purposes. But, if there's a need for it, who would need it? Some agents from VChicago? I'm not sure what for? It seems like Everett and Forester would have needed something like that at some point and maybe did use a place like that.

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