Dorge scans the post board outside the Rusty Rooster and sighs. Nothing about Adver. He didn't know if he'd find him in Largo Largo or not but he didn't have much else to go on. But this town was as shady and elusive as bitcoin, so someone here knew something, of that much Dorge was sure.
He had been planning on sleeping in a bed when he got here, but without the relics to finish the job he hardly had enough coin for that. What he had would be better spent buying drinks and plying whispers. Besides, he had slept well enough in the orc village, and given some food, but that was two days ago now. What he needed to do now was level up and stick a point in his charisma before he started Asking Around. His skills got him by in Banda Cate but this town would be a different story.
Largo Largo was where people went when they didn't want to be found, and where dark deeds were bought and paid for with old money. He would need more than a grin and a wink, for sure. If he had any money he'd hire a bard to sing a song about Adver being an asshole in every tavern and inn here, that might flush him out. But at the moment he'd have a hard time teaching a drunk a limerick about Adver's mother.
Thankfully there didn't seem to be a time constraint on the relic mission but he couldn't guarantee they'd be in prime condition after the orcs handed them back over. Cross that bridge when he gets to it. There would be nothing for it but to take a side quest and hope it would be enough to get him paid and maybe find out some more about the city and perhaps cozy up to the right people. Or, get him killed, as these things sometimes went. He squinted and looked at the posts written in Common first, trying to find something that would need the talents of a warrior.
Quest to Forbidden Mountain? Translation: stabbed to death while listening to old goat herder tell you why the mountain was forbidden. Charm the Wailing Spirit? More like murder this dude's wife in her sleep so that he can wake up and "discover" the horrible horrible mistake he'd made. But, still, 50 gold? Not bad. Dorge plucks the bill and folds it into his belt, when another post catches his eye, Clear Undead From Graveyard. This could certainly use a warrior class. It was probably some bandits haunting the nearest roadway, not actual undead, which was fine by Dorge. Only 20 gold...probably a community job. Maybe they'd give him the Key to the City or something. But if it is bandits there would be some money hidden somewhere. They will have spent most of it on whores and whatever local debauchery was available, but there was always one keen bandit who liked all that glittered more than much else. Dorge taps the post board with his finger but leaves the billing up. This might not be a solo job, so he would go to the, reading aloud, "...library..." to meet "...Gainslee." for more information.
The library in Largo Largo was dark and brooding and unmovable, as much as those adjectives could be employed to describe a permanent structure smack in the middle of a city. Easily found, and easily avoided, too. Some even crossed themselves before going in, or a simulacrum thereof. The tenants of the tomes preferred it that way, as the notion of the building being haunted did keep the weaker minded riff-raff from coming in from the cold and also the staff did notice a tendency not to steal the books that were lent.
Dorge traipsed up the leaning steps of the ancient building and ducked inside. Now to find this Gainslee.
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