Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Project: Window 42-P:E

12/19/007/42-Prime: Echo

There is concern that the subject has suffered, is suffering from, some sort of dementia. Subject hereinafter will be referred to as "Ralph".

This is in reference to Ralph's last posting. In it he makes claims that are untrue or contradictory. Dementia is not uncommon in space, but I had hoped that it wouldn't be an issue, with Everett Dock having the pseudogravity wells in place. In the earlier studies the subjects were less inclined to be induced into some sort of madness if, at the very least, gravity was in place; artificial or not. [Official Record:: "madness" omitted]

Dr. Clemson believes that the dementia may be coupled with paranoia, but I consider it to be a product of the memory suppression. [Official Record:: "Dr. Clemson" omitted] However through Ralph's postings we may be able to see just how the memory suppression works, as it is still relatively untested.

The concerns for dementia stem from Ralph claiming that at the time of his post, he has spent 49 days in Everett Dock. When, in fact, he has spent 116 days. He has access to an Input, which states the date and time based on 365 Day/24 Hour Standard, and the Dock is programmed to cycle days with those hour parameters. At this time, we don't know how Ralph has determined he has only spent 49 days there.

Also, in the last posting, he claims that it is his first posting, which is inaccurate. To date, Ralph has posted a total of 244 entries. It is almost as if he is writing as someone else. It may be a result of the memory suppression.

It is difficult to say for certain, but in all the records available to us, there is no indication that Ralph had children, or co-existed with children at any time. It is also unclear whom Dave Jebbs may be, as that name does not appear in any of the VChicago rosters. [Official Record:: "Dave Jebbs" omitted] It may mean having access to Ralph's classified files is warranted.

Ralph repeatedly refers to "The Fire" but it is difficult to discern what he means by this. There is no service record for him in any branch of the United States Military, but The Fire could be referencing a war. He also makes a vague Jewish reference, and could possibly be using The Fire as an allusion to the Holocaust, but that seems unlikely-especially if he's meaning that he was involved in any way, which would be impossible.

It is in my opinion that Subject: Ralph is not ready for the next implementation of Project: Window. It is doubtful that the memory suppression has been effective, and may have proved counter-productive. However he is the only Everett that has shown any sort of self in the initial trials, and so destroying those candidates would be detrimental to the studies as a whole. There is hope, that the more advanced Sebastian group will provide clearer results in Prime: Adonis. [Official Record:: "Sebastian" omitted]
We shall see.

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