Wednesday, August 15, 2012

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A few tips for success!

While walking never look at your watch, it makes you look like you're late.

Never refer to yourself in the third person, you're hardly the expert.

While approaching a commercial building, point at one of the windows and make a "not pleased" face.

Never decline food, and at least drink the water.

Do not use multiple question marks in text messages.

Do not punctuate text messages with periods; it makes it seem like you're mad about something.

During a negotiation, say "no" to five things.

Do not refer to any animal as your kid.

Do not keep any books in your car, hitchhikers will think it is their obligation to ask you about them.

If someone uses a word you don't know the meaning of, ask them what it means.

Cut your own hair.

Don't act angry over anything on television.

Be ready to explain why your favorite movie is your favorite movie.

Start a blog.

If you press the wrong floor on an elevator, take one step out to make sure everything's in order.

Keep your watch clean.

Don't eat at buffets.

Choose a fear; you need one weakness.

Drink from a glass.


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