Friday, October 16, 2009

We Shoud Discuss Allignment

What next? So Prez and I have been talking about possible stories we should be working on. He wants stories that will showcase his range of ability, I want stories that will make the audience...reciprocate. So, what that means is this: We'll have to have a story that involves time travel (his idea) and we'll also have to throw in why we're telling a story about time travelling (my idea).
Do I go the obscure route and put the character(s) in situations that reference little-known-and-forgotten history? Do they join Danial Shay's rebellion? Do they stand witness that Captain Kidd was a privateer and not a pirate?
Or do I go with the moon landing, Hiroshima and dinosaurs. Either way, I think there should be dinosaurs.
I haven't thought up much story, what I'm caught up on is whether or not the character knows he's time traveling. Just so you know, I've pretty much decided it will be one man traveling and in my head the Roman Senators call him, "Bill".

In the meantime I still have to get some D&D stuff ready to go out the door. Merghast is still imprisoned under the city. Loom, Rolan and Fe'ma'lei are stuck between a rock and a hard place (what do they do with the little boy who just witnessed all the savagery they just dealt out?). There's also Void and Connor Dorian to think about, who I think would want their money back if I were charging.
What I want to do next is write a catalogue of the characters, the NPCs, so the Players will have a handy reference to keep them straight. I imagine if they come across some contraband they'll want to remember where to find that half-blind elf lady in Largo Largo to sell it to. And everyone knows Loom can fix them up with a discount as long as they talk to Sally.
Let's hope they remember the reason they're in this mess is because they set out to find a man named Tohm Deeza.

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