Monday, January 4, 2010

Historical Archive:: W/Everett Prop 3. cat 0000522.

[Historical Record: Dr. William Everett's third letter to the Development Officers was recently found in an information cache long thought destroyed by a misfiling error.]


Attn: Development Officer(s) Station MTopeka.

In light of recent developments I must insist further study be conducted of the alien contact received 35-P:G [Historical Record: 08/22/35-Prime: Gold]
I recognize that the signals were interpreted as not much more than the usual space static, but to totally ignore them is folly. It is my belief that the signals can be interpreted as code and could mean further study of the area is warranted. After all, the code was received in the space quadrant in which the wreckage was originally discovered. [Historical Record: the quadrant referenced here is B:9 Total, where the first alien contact was made fifteen years before the date of this letter. An unmanned space probe discovered a small alien vessel, which would later be classified as an escape pod. The entity inside the vessel was not living upon discovery.]
There has been little to serve as a "Rosetta Stone" from the alien vessel, but I don't think we're too much further from cracking their language and/or codes. [Historical Record: the alien language was deciphered four months after the writing of this letter, had it not been for Dr. Everett, it is believed the process would have taken years longer.] If I were granted financial compensation to continue my studies, I have full confidence that VChicago may be prepared to make legitimate contact with the alien(s) within five years. [Historical Record: VChicago made its first contact with the alien peoples three years and fourteen days after the writing of this letter. Let it be known that Dr. Everett had worked on what would later be known as Project: Window for quite some time, and no financial compensation was authorized by the D.O.'s of MTopeka. Dr. Everett died destitute.] To be on the precipice of contact is something we all must appreciate. What this could potentially mean for our medical technology, engineering, astronomy, travel, colonization, etc..., is staggering to consider.
I propose that my studies be reinstated for one year, and be compensated for standard operating costs. I will continue to publish my findings every three days, as per the current procedure, and submit all information to the archives of the Development Center.
B:9 Total will prove to be key in our efforts to communicate with the alien(s) whence the destroyed vessel originated. I implore the Development Officer(s) of NTopeka [sic] not to classify the "signals" as confidential, and allow my continued studies. [Historical Record: the signals were not classified as confidential and Dr. Everett's studies continued. After the language of the aliens had been deciphered four months after this request, Dr. Everett was able to translate the signals as what would later be called, "The Ifsayer Herald". A full version can be accessed in the Historical Record Archives:: I/Herald-W/Everett cat. 0023340.]
The implications of these signals may prove to be the key to unlock all the questions posed by B:9 Total.


Dr. William Tenver Everett

[Historical Record: Whether or not Dr. Everett had considered that the aliens could prove to be hostile is unclear by evidence of this letter. His colleagues have gone so far as to suggest that, had he reported his findings of the aliens' violent nature, his studies would have been shut down indefinitely. By evidence of there being no monies diverted to Dr. Everett by MTopeka, he was more than likely correct in that assumption. Despite receiving no compensation, Dr. Everett continued his studies under the auspice that he had never been ordered to desist by the Development Center.]

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