Sunday, January 3, 2010

Project: Window 43-P:E

12/19/009/43- Prime: Echo

Subject "Ralph" is actively resisting the memory suppression, a phenomenon unique to the Everett Group. He continues to post memories that can not be confirmed by the limited amount of data we have access to. I have requested a warrant to study his confidential files, since the last three access proposals have been denied without explanation. Perhaps A Development Officer will see fit to pay more attention to this particular subject.

Subject "Reema" however, is progressing at the projected rate. The only thing unique about Reema is that she is the sole female in Everett Group, and somehow survived the initial toxin screen. This may be a fluke, some radical deviant of nature, or it could be part of the formula needed to bridge the gaps of the alien DNA. It will all prove nil if she continues to withdraw. Reema has not accessed the input for weeks, and I have suggested a further understanding of the female psyche is in order; Dr. Peek [Official Record:: "Dr. Peek" omitted] has been in communications with two key Development Officers in order to submit her expertise on the matter.

Hopefully Reema can be coaxed back into her more familiar habits. I fear it may mean interaction with someone else. I don't go so far as to say physical interaction, but earlier studies have shown that the female candidates do not deal with isolation as well as male candidates.

Handler Fosey [Official Record:: "Fosey" omitted] has not submitted anything new for the Sebastian Group [Official Record:: "Sebastian Group" omitted] studies for quite some time, I pray that all goes well there, as the success of that particular group is pivotal to Project: Window. [Official Record:: "Project: Window" omitted]

[Official Record:: "Subject 'Ralph' not omitted due to public knowledge after the Kartegian Incident dated: 10/05/018/35-Devro: Gamma]

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