Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Recently, while trolling through the App Store, I came across something called "Alice". It has a simple, rounded logo that caught my eye. It turns out, I had been looking for Alice for quite some time and didn't realize it. I once even offered Cable twenty bucks to be my Alice.
Let's back up a little here. Something you should know is that I hate going to the store. If I were speaking, you'd hear a certain quality to my voice when I said hate, like I'd just climbed up forty flights with an anvil. It takes there being no milk in the house for me to even consider going.
It's an experience that, no matter how small the list, will undoubtedly make me heart-palpating-ly frustrated by the end of the endeavor. Only at the grocery store must I dwell among the throng of the dirt, only there must I wait behind inferiors. I am King Nebakanezer and the grocery is my field, a thousand torments to be endured, and Loki laments!?
Ok, I don't care for it.
What Alice does is this: sends you dry goods. You log on, you search around, you add to your cart, bang-it's sent to your house. Now, I know there are other sites that will do this. I'm not sure what they are, I haven't really looked into it. Agreeably, I should have looked into it earlier if the only praise I can laud on Wal-Mart is that it acts as a minnow trap that keeps the degenerates occupied with...whatever.
Back to the point. Alice has a website, and, as mentioned before, an app for the iPhone. You can shop, track your shipment, utilize customer service, and with a recent update, scan bar codes with the app. Sometimes Alice won't have a certain item, but then you can suggest that she carry it; whether that'll happen is yet to be seen, but so far it hasn't been too bad an experience.
The only thing not great about it is the shipping time. I placed the order last Thursday and it landed today, Wednesday. But, the cool thing about that is, I hit "Record" on the app last night, and said, "My order is taking forever!" and today I received an apology email and $5 off my next purchase. So, yes, they bought me.
When the package came today it was in an attractive blue box with a detailed invoice inside. Also, there was a neat little bag with a free sample (Nature's Own Honey 'n Oats Granola Bar), I'm a sucker for bags, presentation is everything. And when Alice thinks I'm running low on something, she'll send me a handy email reminder.

So, if you wait until the God Squad is eating at Bob Evans before you try to get into the store, or if you comprise dinner from saltines and pepper, Alice may just be for you.

After all, everybody needs an Alice!

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