Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Midgar

Reader, lets get one thing clear, if you shop at Walmart you're a fucking idiot. I'm tired of listening to you go there and then bitch about the awful experience every time. I'm tired of hearing you say things like, "It's almost not worth it."

When you shop there you are feeding the cancer that is consuming America. When you make a purchase at Walmart, you are hurting this country.

Here's how.

Walmart breeds a culture that expects every good to be available at all times. This hurts industries such as fruit and vegetable, as a seasonal item must be made to be of all seasons. To supply this demands that the good be brought from farther and farther away, which puts a tremendous drain on the fuels to make this happen.

A person that shops at Walmart is made to believe we live in a "throw away" society. In which a good is easier to replace than to have fixed. This hurts those in the trade of repairing things and places a strain on landfills. Also, it keeps up a pressure for manufacturers to produce these goods, to shelve infinity.

Most Walmarts are open twenty-four hours a day, meaning that they must feed from the grid twenty-four hours a day. How can one not see the incredible strain this puts on energy needs? True, Walmart isn't the only entity to do this, but them being open in those hours means that the competition must be as well. How could there be a fair market when some asshole is buying a Hello Kitty Soap Dispenser at three in the morning. There is a preconception that Walmart has the best prices but it turns into a misconception fueled by these late-night profits. Of course, Walmart isn't entirely to blame for this, but being the world's largest employer, most of the blame can be placed squarely at their door.

Because China must satiate the needs of America, their natural resources take the brunt of our desire. Coal and timber and other materials must be consumed at an unsustainable pace, and the Communist Country of China is only too happy to oblige. It is cheaper to make things in that country, the regulations that seem like a hindrance here are not in place there, so that the mercantile machine rolls on, treading over the people in its path. The consequence of this is a rate of pollution that makes ours at home look...manageable in contrast. But pollution of this magnitude is a global concern, not just a country's.

Because the majority of our goods come from China we have no manufacturing jobs. That is why every morning we're looking at some dirty jackass on the news holding an Occupy Wall Street sign. That, and their inflated sense of entitlement, which I think is something inherited from being a Natural Born.

Small businesses are hurt because of Walmart. One by one businesses close their doors because the cash flow that they rely on are pinched off by a people that would rather get their customer service from a person who's only qualification is the successful passing of a drug test. The less competition in the form of small businesses means the more of a monopoly these corporations can form, and when that happens there will be no choice. Walmart is not the only entity to blame, only the biggest. But so too is this ire aimed at Lowes, McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut...

All this because of a commercial I saw this morning: Small Business Saturday, November 26th. America, are you so ignorant that American Express has to tell you to shop small business? I fear so.
Because over the years I've given you good and sound reasons not to shop at Walmart and all you ever say to me is, "It's cheaper."

That's like when you complain about some author describing something to you, "I just thought Get on with it, you know?" Do you know how stupid that makes you sound? Just about the same as when you say, "It's cheaper." Am I pretentious? Yes, but that's just a little of the reason I react to Walmart shoppers the same way I would a plague victim.

I'm from the eighties so I know to aim for the head and keep swinging 'til it blinks.

I'm coming for you, Sam.


  1. What area around Charleston has the highest growth and commercial success? Why is that? What started it?

  2. Yes, SouthCringe was ultimately started by WallyWorld. But, that does not mean you have to go there. I have boycotted WalMart for years now. I refuse. I do not go to other Big Box stores for the same reason. Go sit in front of WalMart and just LOOK at the people that go in there. Empty brained, pie-eyed, sheeple spending their food-stamps, dragging around their 3 dirty snot nosed kids (which were paid for by you and me cuz they had 'a medical card' and they subsist on these benefits), and oh, let's not forget that we can go shop in our pajamas and house slippers... a very sad commentary on society indeed...

  3. God, I HATE Mal Wart. I recently went there for the first time in a long time and was promptly reminded why I would rather belly-crawl through thick mud than go there again. I talked myself into thinking it would be quicker to go there, but i could have gone to ReStore and the Farmer's market and gotten better stuff in shorter time AND not had the urge to bitch-slap a single person. Never. Again.
