Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Soup is Back

Every morning on my way to work I drive past a sign at Subway that says SOUP IS BACK. And every morning I wonder if I'm dreaming.

Once in highschool I had an early morning dream in which I woke up and got into the shower. I was washing my hair with Pert Plus when I realized I was dreaming, and was that much further back on the list of shit I had to do that day.

So, for some reason, when I see the words Soup is Back, I wonder if I'm still in bed, dreaming that I've made it that far into my day just to have to truly wake up and start over. I wonder if those three words are some sort of trigger, my new Pert Plus bottle.

When I see the sign, I feel like I'm the only one that can see it. I wonder if I'm in a coma somewhere and someone is standing over my bed, reduced to screaming, "Soup! Is! Back!" at my unresponsive body, and that sign under the Subway logo is the only way it's getting through to me.

I feel like I must be in the Matrix, and those three words are the only way I know I'm in the Matrix, which would mean if I recognize this, I'm not all that comfortable here, and would rather be fighting in some resistance army against the machines.

In Salinger's Franny and Zooey, Franny is consumed with reciting the Jesus Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.

Soup is back. Soup is back. Soup is back.

The Subway is at the foot of a bridge, and by the time I get across the bridge these thoughts are totally gone. I nestle back into whatever realm this is. It must not be too bad here.

Soup is back. Soup is back. Soup is back.

In highschool there was this kid I called Soup. Not ever to his face or anything, I just thought he looked like soup. Did he know this? Is this a revenge thing?

Soup is back. Soup is back. Soup is back.

Despite all this, I still don't see myself going into Subway and asking for soup. Or anything, for that matter.

Soup is back. Soup is back. Soup is back.

I'm sorry that your message is only just breaking the surface. I'm gone to you now and I wish I had some way of telling you. I'm happy here and I don't want to come back, even if I was a cool resistance fighter there.

Soup is back. Soup is back. Soup is back.

I'm not saying I want you to unplug me or anything. Just, let me be, for a little while longer.

Soup is back. Soup is back. Soup is back.